Quick Referencing Rules – MLA Style


In-Text Citations:

An In-Text Citation is placed in brackets in the main body of your essay just after a quotation or paraphrase to indicate that you have used the work of someone else.


For Books:       (Author Surname, page number)

                        (Dombrowski, 46)


For Websites:   (Author Surname) or (Shortened Page Name) if there is no author


                        (Quick Referencing Rules)



A bibliography is a more detailed list of all the sources that you have used in your work; this should come on a separate page at the end of the essay. All of the sources should be listed alphabetically and they should be set out in exactly the way that they are below, pay attention to the commas, full stops and italics: these need to be in the right order!


For Books:       (Surname, First name. Title. City: Publishing Company, Date Published. Medium

                        (Dombrowski, Eileen et al. TOK Course Companion. Oxford: OUP, 2007. Print)


For Websites:   (Surname, First name. “Page Title”. Publisher. Date Posted. Medium. Date Visited. URL)

(Hoye, Kevin. “Quick Referencing Rules”. 20th Oct. 2011. Web. 13th Dec. 2012. http://www.mrhoyestokwebsite.com)


For Articles:     (Surname, First name. Article Title, Magazine. Date: Page Number. Medium)

                        (Robertson, Grant. “The Meaning of Life,” Time. 20th Oct. 2011: p.34. Print)



Although these kinds of sources are the ones that you are more likely to use, there are lots of other guidelines for how to reference other kinds of sources, e.g. interviews, emails, videos, etc details of which can be found on the library website or by following the link http://sites.cdnis.edu.hk/school/library/citing-sources/